'Arise and (fly) the Land'

Early dawn at an annual hot air balloon and ultralight aircraft festival held at the Maayan Harod National Park in northern Israel during the summer of 2017.
While I often feature smartphone photography on this blog, I still regularly use my DSLR gear, as well. I made this particular shot on a Nikon D750 with an older Nikkor DX 70-200 lens, and edited in Lightroom.
I edited the shot in gold-toned black and white in order to lessen the distractions of the brightly colored balloons and foliage in the background, and to highlight the surreal feel of the already unique scene.
There a feature photo essay on the whole fair, viewable here: http://israelforever.org/interact/blog/up_up_and_away_over_the_galilee/
Check out and like my Facebook page for more unique Israel #photography: https://www.facebook.com/davidbrianbender/ www.davidbrianbender.com Davebrianbender.photoshelter.com
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